asked questions about Wicca
What form does the practice of Witchcraft take?
The form and context vary from group to group and between each ritual, and may
run the gamut from elaborate ceremony to spontaneous ritual to simple
meditation. Generally the practice is to consecrate a sacred space, the
"circle" and then work Magick and worship the Goddess and God
within it according to the forms agreed upon by that particular group of
How do you see the Goddess?
The Goddess to me
Q. Do
all Witches practice their religion the same way?
No. Wicca is a highly individual religion. Moreover, the number of
different sects within the Craft may give the impression that no two groups
practice the same way. Though practices may vary, most traditions have many
similarities, such as the working of Magick and a respect for nature. Most
Witches find enough common ground for mutual support and productive networking
throughout the Craft community.
Q. Is
Witchcraft a "cult"?
No. A cult is generally taken as a gathering of people who owe blind allegiance
to one charismatic leader who ostensibly represents "truth". They
indulge in "extravagant homage or adoration" (Webster's Dictionary),
usually of their leader, thus trading the ability to think for themselves for
"salvation" and a sense of belonging. This is the antithesis of the
Witchcraft experience. Most Witches come to the Craft through reading and
communing with nature and later finding like-minded groups. Witches tend to be
highly individualistic.
Q. Do
Witches have a "Bible"?
No. A bible is supposedly the word of a deity revealed through a prophet, or
more generally, "a book containing the sacred writings of any
religion" (Webster's Dictionary). Witchcraft is a Pagan folk-religion of
personal experience rather than transmitted revelation. A Witch may keep a
"Book of Shadows" which is more like an individual's workbook or
journal -- meaningful to the person who keeps it -- containing rituals,
discoveries, spells, poetry, herb lore, etc. Covens may keep a similar group
book. There is no one document taken by all Wiccans as authoritative, as in
Judaism, Christianity, or Islam.
Q. Do
Witches cast spells?
Some do and some don't. Since a commonly-held belief is that what is sent out is
returned to the sender threefold, Witches tend to be very careful with spells. A
spell is a formula, or series of steps, to direct the will to a desired end.
Energy is drawn from the earth, concentrated, and sent out into the world. It is
believed that with proper training and intent, human minds and hearts are fully
capable of performing all the Magick and miracles they are ever likely to need,
through the use of natural psychic power.
Q. Do
Witches fly on brooms?
No. Brooms were (in rural Europe) and sometimes still are ridden astride in
ceremonies. In one such ceremony, people ran through the fields astride a broom
to coax the grain to grow, or participants would leap over a broom, telling the
grain to grow to the height of the highest leaping. Uninformed observations of
such ceremonies could lead to tales of flying on brooms.
Q. Do
Witches worship the Devil?
No. The concept of "the devil", a personification of a supreme spirit
of evil and unrighteousness, is a creation of Middle Eastern thought which is
fundamental to some religions of that region, including Zoroastrianism,
Christianity and Islam. Worship of this being as "Satan" is a practice
of profaning Christian symbolism and is thus a Christian heresy rather than a
Pagan religion. The gods of Wicca are in no way connected with Satanic practice.
Most Witches do not even believe Satan exists, and certainly do not worship him.
Historically, the gods of an older religion are often branded as the devils of a
newer one in order to promote conversion.
Are Witches only women?
No, but in America women do predominate in the Craft overall (in Britain,
men predominate). Some traditions have only women practitioners, just as others
have only men. Most traditions admit both.
What about Men?
Men are also called "Witches". Not "Warlocks". The
definition of a Warlock is an Oath Breaker. Most Witches believe in The Rede, or
some Rules of Nature.
With the bad mental image people get at the mention of Witch and Witchcraft, why
do you still use these names?
Virtually every religion can look back into the dark corners of history and find
a period when it was held in disrepute. Some religions were accused of crimes
through ignorance and malice (e.g. Medieval Christians were sure that Jews ate
Christian babies). Other religions face prejudice because their practices are
different from those of their accusers (e.g. the Mormons for their polygamy).
Others defame each other for being on the opposite side of some power struggle
-- consider the many incidents from the Crusades through the Inquisition to
current affairs in nations such as Ireland or Iran. Just because a group was or
is persecuted and maligned is not a reason for it to change its name. The
practices of prejudice and scapegoating seem to be universal human pastimes, and
we have had our share of being victimized.